Just arrived home from Glasgow, where I attended the European Conference on Operational Research 2015. Bit jet lagged so writing this post at night.
Feelings. My spirits are high from the conference. It was inspiring, fun and I have a lot of ideas.
Behavioral Operational Research stream. Was a success. For the outsiders: There is a movement within Operational Research (OR) to pay more attention to behavioral issues related to use of models. When mathematical models are applied to real decisions (= Operational Research) there are humans involved. This aspect has been studied very little so far. Instead the research has been concerned with the mathematical models.
My presentation. Went very well! There was a big audience (~50 people) and I was able to deliver I think. The presentation can be found here. I was a little nervous so I was maybe not so relaxed and had a little too serious tone. Positive tone is better to get other people engaged with your ideas. The message went through nonetheless and the term "path dependence" was mentioned several times in later discussions.
Social. Was fun to go out with colleagues and to get to know them better. This is important for work motivation. I also went to see a football games by the Celtics.
Research ideas. I have a lot of them now. However, it is important that I concentrate on those things I am currently doing and do not spend my time on dreaming about future projects.